40 Day Marriage Challenge
Are you ready to stop being a ________ wife (fill in the blank)? Maybe your blank space says "nagging," "critical, "boring," "busy," "tired," "distracted" or "unfulfilled." Or maybe you're already excelling in your role as a wife and you just want to keep improving! This challenge has your name written all over it. For the next 40 days, you'll create a new habit that transforms you into a life-giving, encouraging, intentional, joyful wife.
Through one small, intentional act each day this challenge will bring restoration, fun, and excitement back into your marriage. God intends for our marriages to be a reflection of Jesus' love. Is your marriage an adequate representation of His sacrificial, genuine, bone-deep, Holy-Spirit filled, eternal love? Either way you answer that, this challenge promises to point you toward God's abundant plan for your marriage.