For the last couple days I've been wanting to write, but haven't been inspired to start typing. In the car this evening, I was listening to Air One Radio when I heard the song "Difference Maker," by Needtobreathe. When we attended the KLOVE Fan Awards weekend in Nashville a few months ago, this band played a couple songs and I found myself drawn their sound and honest lyrics. The song speaks about a man who ruins himself with the free will God allows us, but then realizes he is a friend of God and a difference maker. Sometimes in our run-of-the-mill lives, we forget the power that God has given us to be difference makers. And often, we don't take the time to find out where God wants us to be difference makers. Or, if we do hear His guidance, do we listen and respond with action? I've shared my story of God calling me to the pregnancy crisis ministry, and I whole-heartedly believe this is the area He has prepared for me to serve as His difference maker. Before moving to back to Arizona in July, I researched pregnancy centers in Tucson, and found three Christ-based organizations. Two weeks ago, I planned to call all three to find the right fit in volunteering. However, after speaking with the director of the first center, Hands of Hope, I felt like this was the right spot for me to continue my training and ultimately serve as a "client advocate," counseling women on their options with unplanned pregnancies. But more importantly, sharing the love of Christ with women in crisis situations, and prayerfully, saving both the mother and baby's life. I met with the director last week and again felt like this center was the perfect place for me to serve God and His people. I begin a six week training course tomorrow, followed by a few client observations, and then I FINALLY get to counsel on my own in a couple months. It's been a journey to get to this point, having trained from April through June in El Paso, and now having to train for a couple more months, but God is equipping me with the education I need to save lives, and I can't rush that process. When I began training in Texas, the director said that Satan would attack us and our families as we work in God's name, and paperwork from the center in Arizona noted the same statement. I would say this is accurate so far, as if he is trying to thwart my attempts to counsel these women. As soon as I felt God's nudging me toward this ministry and I accepted a position as a volunteer, I became pregnant (which is an amazing blessing), yet my body does not respond well to pregnancy and perpetual nausea kept me away from a number of training sessions. Then, as soon as I'm starting to feel better with the aide of medicine, the Army relocates us and I can't counsel in El Paso. Now, I have to wait a couple more months before serving in the field, and by that time, our little one will be just about ready to arrive. Yet, my heart is completely committed to this ministry and neither Satan, nor life's circumstances, can keep me from pursuing this path, His path for me. So, what ministry is God calling you to so that you can work in His name as a difference maker? If you've heard His voice, ACT! And if you're unsure, pray for God's guidance. He will speak to you. What a blessing that He will equip us for whatever He's called us to, even if we feel unqualified. Are you willing to say "Yes!" to God's path for you? I dare you to take a leap of faith and follow His intention for your life. You won't regret the decision to follow His plan, and I guarantee you'll be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and exhilaration.
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