As a parent, our worries begin before our child is even born:Will she be healthy? Will she have all her limbs? Will her organs work properly? Did I eat all the right things during pregnancy? Am I as prepared as possible to raise this new life? And that's just the beginning of our worries as a parent: When will she finally start walking? Will she develop properly even though she refuses to drink milk? Will her teeth be okay since she still uses a pacifier to fall asleep? Am I incorporating Christ enough into our daily lives? Should I homeschool her? How will all these military moves affect her stability and confidence? Should I tell her about the mistakes I made growing up in hopes that she decides differently? Will she choose Godly friends? Will she be strong enough to avoid peer pressure? How do I teach her the vitalness of remaining pure until marriage? Will she be equally yoked? What faults will she see in my parenting that will cause her to parent differently when she becomes a mother? Unfortunately, Glenn and Cara O'Neill may never have the opportunity to worry about their daughter's decisions, health, and safety once she becomes a teenager, if she lives that long. Their four year old daughter, Eliza, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease called SanFilippo Syndrome, which unless treated, will kill her--slowly and painfully. By age six, most of these patients experience irreversible brain damage, which will eventually rob Eliza of the ability to speak, walk, and feed herself. As a mother of an almost two year old, I instantly picture the possibility of this scenario plaguing my family. As my former pastor always reminds us, "We're all one phone call away from disaster." I cannot fathom the heartache at knowing that my daughter only had until the age of six to flourish before her body shut down, understanding that I would have to watch her disintegrate in anguish before she takes her final breath. Thank God, there is research underway that may save Eliza's life. What stands between this trial and Eliza? Money. As I write this, Eliza's family is in need to $686,760 to bring this potentially life-saving medicine to their daughter's body (already having raised over 1.1 million dollars). However, they must be completley funded by THIS October to avoid the irreversible damage of Sanfilippo's Syndrome. Eliza's father created the "Sing2lines" challenge to bring awareness and donations to his daughter's illness. The family is requesting that you sing two lines of any song and share it with your family and friends, asking them to do the same. Take a moment to imagine yourself as Eliza's parents and picture your child in Eliza's situation--it could be any one of us! How desperately they need our support! May God bless and heal little Eliza. Please take the following steps to help this family: 1. Donate at 2. Complete and share the "sing2lines" challenge 3. Share this post or the savingeliza website on your social media accounts (or via email) 4. Pray for Eliza #Sing2Lines for #SavingEliza
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