Today, as I listened to Dr. Dobson's broadcast on living a true legacy (winning your child to Christ), I wondered what I was intentionally doing to ensure my child chooses a life with Jesus. I think it's fair to say that must of us get tunnel vision during the day. We set out to accomplish the (worldly) tasks that need to be completed each day. For me, it looks something like this: prepare Addie's juice and Miralax concoction, make breakfast for the two of us, take the dogs for a walk, go to a playgroup, make and eat lunch, nap--a third trimester must--run errands, make dinner, pray and eat together, spend time together as a family, give Addie a bath, read to her, pray and put her to bed, watch television, shower, and go to sleep. And repeat the cycle the next day. When I look at my routine from the outside, I feel as if it's lacking, like I'm not doing all I can to teach my child about Jesus. But like most mothers, I know I'm being hard on myself as well. Before I brainstorm additional ways to include Christ in our lives, here are the things I try to do in order to intentionally win my child to the Lord: 1. Spend time in prayer throughout the day 2. Read the Bible 3. Attend church 4. Read Christian literature 5. Tithe 6. Attend church 7. Participate in Bible studies 8. Listen to Christian music 9. Make my marriage the number one priority, after God 10. Read Christian children's books to my child 11. Model loving and helping others 12. Seek Godly counsel Adeline is only 22 months old, but she sees and hears everything I do and say. She's watching me, and I have to ask myself, "Are you worth watching?" With this question in mind, I yearn to seek out additional ways I can actively show my daughter the love of Christ, in hopes that one day she chooses to be a child of the Lord. As she grows, so should this list, since I will be able to interact with her on a deeper level. For now, here are some more things I can add to my daily activities: 1. Begin my day in the Word 2. Set aside designated time each day to pray for my child 3. Allow her to see me in prayer, on my knees 4. Memorize scripture with her 5. Pray out loud throughout the day 6. Give thanks to God aloud 7. Focus on outwardly loving my husband 8. Sing Christian songs with my child Per Dr. Dobson's message, I must be intentional about designing my legacy. It's not something I can leave to chance and wishes. My greatest goal as a parent is to ensure the salvation of my children, and the future generations of our family. My priority is to be faithful, not successful (in the world's eyes). I'm following God's calling to raise my children as a stay-at-home-mom. It's certainly not the only way, but it's the way He has asked me to take. And as I've learned, saying "Yes!" to God is imperative to achieving His plans for my life, plans that are intensely grander than any I could fathom for myself. Please leave a comment if you have any ideas I can add to the above lists that will aid in intentionally teaching a child about Jesus.
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